Wednesday, March 31, 2010

lists and list and lists - updated

Things to do before I leave on a 2-week trip to New Zealand and Australia:

Order new contact lenses
Finish taxes
Book 7 nights of hotels - only 1 left
Book a ferry
Book whale watching tour

Get motion sickness meds after reading whale watching reviews.
Update car rental to tell them when I'm taking the ferry so I can swap cars on either side
Return dress to Anthro
Return skirt to J Crew outlet far, far away
Return dress to Old Navy
Co-organize a ward dinner activity at a fancy restaurant
Attend a visiting teaching brunch
Practice the organ so I don't mess up on the Easter program
Practice the extra musical number for the Easter program
Get the organ key from someone in way south west Phoenix
Find luggage
Get dry cleaning done
Transfer money among bank accounts

Put exchange rate tables into my Blackberry for NZ and AUS
Book excursions/fun tours in each NZ town
Buy new external hard drive
Pay utilities

Mail check to Mexico friends
Mail car payment
Arrange Netflix movies so I have 3 long films to watch while I'm away (and make sure they're ones that Air NZ is not already airing
Do car registration renewal

Find internet cable
Send back Jury Summons
Mail signed copies of Mitt Romney's new book to family
Send back Census
Book hotel in Utah for bro's BYU graduation

Find bro a graduation present
Find a wedding present for someone else
Call Nonie
Call Leash
Call credit card companies and bank to let them know I'm traveling
Get Australia electronic visa
Book cab to/from airport
Find jet lag remedy
Finish expense report
Do presentation to another group at work
Finalize meeting agenda for Sydney work week across 4 time zones
Find another electrical adapter
Put mail on hold
Find reading material for 33 hours of flightsDig out fall clothes -yay!

Learn how to drive on the other side of the road

2023 Recap

Oh, hey there. It's been awhile. I disappeared for a bit. Everyone's doing their 2023 year in review today, and I figured I'd ju...
