Monday, September 24, 2012

Musical Monday

I made a smart move last week and upgraded to Spotify Premium, which means I now have any music I'd ever want, in my hands at all times.  It's nice to carry it around the house, pop it into my car, and catch up on all these tracks I've added to playlists but haven't had time to sink my ears into.

I'm kicking myself, absolutely kicking, for not getting into S. Carey's stuff earlier.  You know I'm obsessed with Bon Iver, you might not know that Sean is the drummer and that he did his own album in 2010 and an EP this year (called Hoyas!!).  I've had a few tracks downloaded, but never got around to hearing the whole album.

Late one night last week I had a listening party, and I'm kind of obsessed.  All We Grow is a gorgeous record.  This track just builds into amazingness.
If I ever meet a man who thinks this record is as splendid as I do, I just might have to marry him or something.

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