Taylor, Courtney and I had the same flight into Tulsa. I'm glad there's a non-stop flight. Hallie was ready to go....
We were stuck in the last row of the plane where I became 'bathroom captain' and Hallie was pretty entertainable.
Uncle Tanner picked us up on the way from Stillwater, and off to Poteau we went. It was a two hour drive or so, and Courtney asked if anything was around, cause she didn't see much of anything during the drive. Welcome to Oklahoma!
We had parents and a Mexican food feast awaiting at home. Tons of queso and fresh salsa, red chili meat for burritos and more.
Pre-bedtime stories with Grandma and Grandpa. Thanks to her good momma, Hallie knows who her grandparents are.
Friday we went to lunch at Bud's - a gas station, restaurant, campsite, pool hall, all in one. I tried to capture the poster that advertised the upcoming calf fry. The place was full of regulars and we overheard some hilarious conversations about ammo and explosions and someone's cousin Pickle and convict neighbors.
The boys went shooting and I ran some errands for a graduation party, then we all went out to the farm to hang out. It was muddy and green.
Hallie got to ride in the mule. She hated it at first, but eventually got into the 'bumpy' ride.
Me and the graduate.
Blueberries are coming!
Back home to clean and set up for Tanner's party.
I made the most beautiful veggie tray ever. Mom's idea.
The guest of honor.
Her favorite. She bit into three cupcakes that night.
One of our funniest friends gave Tanner this present.
The world's highest hill.
Best thing to read on the weekend? The Poteau Police Log. And the courthouse report.
Off to Stillwater for graduation. Bad weather threatened the day, so OSU cancelled some receptions and moved everyone's ceremonies to earlier timeslots. Tanner's was moved from 4pm to 1:30, so we had to leave earlier to make the three hour drive.
We found Tanner in the crowd!
After the ceremony it was pouring. We walked through the rain back to Tanner's apartment, me holding a child and walking barefoot. Didn't want to step in puddles in my suede shoes! Then it was off to Tulsa to have dinner. Good friend Bill joined us.
We had a hotel room in Tulsa for the night, so my high school BFF, Minon, came over to say hi. We can always pick up right where we left off, even if we don't get to talk to often. She's a momma of four and is about to move over a couple states. I miss her. We snuck out for some conversation and ice cream.
Braum's is best.
Since we didn't take any pictures in the rain after the ceremony, Tanner had to get dressed up again before we flew out.
Getting in Hallie time.
Back to the airport. I distracted Hallie while Taylor and Courtney checked bags. Then back to Utah! So good to be home this weekend and see my mom on Mother's Day too.