Sunday, December 30, 2018

Archives - Dec 2017

With this post, I shall now be one year behind. Hooray!

Last year was the first time I visited the Festival of Trees. It's kind of a big deal around here, and it's a huge fundraiser for Primary Children's Hospital.

This is marriage.

Christmas at Cathedral of the Madeline is always great, if you can get a seat.

Christmas shopping and I snagged this for me, the last one!

My favorite cold weather quick meal was ripped away. This was a sad tweet, but I'm happy they replied to confirm!

H had a Christmas dance show.

MoTab Christmas concert with Sutton Foster and Hugh Bonneville. I really enjoyed it. Not sure Anthony can say the same....

Went to find the Poutine Truck before it moved away to Seattle. Sad I didn't get more of this.

It's not Christmas without cookies.

Love my Christmas apron.

Made Alton Brown's spicy pecans as Christmas gifts. I choke on the spices every time, but they're delicious.


We tried Afghan Kitchen one night. It is excellent.
And bowling. I won.

Shadowy friends at Christmas dinner at Avenues Proper.

More poutine!

My sweet Grandpa Kleck passed away. I feel so lucky that I got to live with him for many months when I first moved to Phoenix. And also lucky that I got to my late 30s having all four of my grandparents. I still think about him all the time.

His funeral was in Mesa the weekend before Christmas. Luckily with brother's airline employment, he was able to get flights for everyone in the family last minute, on Christmas weekend, for no cost. Sadly Anthony wasn't able to come since he'd just started a new job and worked weekends. We maybe could've tried, but figured it wouldn't work anyone, so we accepted it as a lost cause. I didn't anticipate how sad I would be that Anthony wasn't around and getting to see more of my family that he hasn't really spent any time with. Family time is priority - lesson learned.

Quinn jumped right into Grandma Kleck's big Christmas slippers.

Also, this was funny.

Family dinner at Matta's. It's tradition whenever we're in Arizona.

It was fun staying in a hotel together and having Christmas.

Grandma and her four daughters.

I managed to sneak away one evening with Shannon to get my Postino fix. Long live their bruschetta board. I love it.

We went down to Coolidge to see see dad's parents. We all got out the instruments and all the little great-grandkids played around. Very fun to see my cousins and their kids.

Had to do a DP run.

Grandpa grows the best stuff in his backyard.

Hal's face kills me in this one.

Presents time back at the hotel.

Back home to Utah on Christmas Eve.

First married Christmas.

Christmas morning breakfast with the nieces.

Then up to Bountiful with the in-laws and little Macie.

We all went to see Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

Christmas Break trip to UMOCA downtown.

Fish-sitting while the neighbors were gone.
Another Lava Hot Springs trip to Idaho.

We stopped at another abandoned old town - Chesterfield, Idaho.

NYE at Megh's with a great crew. We played What do you Meme - hysterical and mostly inappropriate.

2023 Recap

Oh, hey there. It's been awhile. I disappeared for a bit. Everyone's doing their 2023 year in review today, and I figured I'd ju...
